Monday, January 9, 2012

First day and lots of information

Ok, so today was my first day in Nursing school.  We went over all the guidelines.  I need to get at least a 92% on dosage, :/ yeah...92%....if I get 91% I fail the course.  I just learned how hard this is going to be but here I am  very positive that I can do this.  I want to be a Nurse. I want to have a career. I want to touch people's lives.
I didn't make any friends today(everyone was so quiet) .....

To be continued....

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Very nervous and anxious! Tomorrow is the big day!

Ok, so right now is 10:23 pm...yeah I know I should be sleeping but so anxious about tomorrow. I already got all my stuff ready. I have to bring a mini suitcase because my books are so heavy.  I am talking to my stepdaughter on Facebook about this blog.  She gave me the idea about blogging. I've read her blogs and they are very funny, I love reading them.  Ok, I guess I better get to bed. I have to wake up early and be in class at 9am. :)

Friday, January 6, 2012

OMG! My classes start in 3 days.

Ok, so today is Friday. New year and I want to start fresh. I still need to organize so many things in my life but I never have time for that.  Getting ready for Monday. :)